I believe in You. I believe that You are the God of Elijah, the God
that sends down fire for the sake of His people. I know that You are the
God of Abraham, the faithful God that made the childless, father to all
nations. I know that You are the God of Daniel, the God that keeps His
people safe from harm even when the greatest harm surrounds them. I know
that You are the God of Shadrach, Meshach, and Abednego, the God that
keeps His people unburnt in flames of fire. Lord, You are the God of
Moses, the God that divides the sea for His people to pass. You are the
God that leads His people as a cloud by day and fire by night. Lord,
lead me and I will follow. Work in my favor. May nothing be impossible
for me because I have faith in You. In Jesus' Name. Amen.