Our app is available for Android and iPhone/iPad devices:
1. Android:
Click here to Download our Android app
2. iPhone/iPad:
To get our app on your iOS-powered device, simply visit touch.prayh.com on your iPhone/iPad. You can do this via your default browser such as Safari. We strongly recommend that you use Safari.
You will be taken to our advanced mobile site. Click on the 'download' icon on the Safari browser after the mobile site is fully loaded.
We have marked the 'download' icon in a red box below to show you how the icon looks like, and where the icon is placed on both iPhone Safari browser and iPad Safari browsers:
a. iPhone Safari browser:
b. iPad Safari browser:
Often a small dialog box appears after the mobile site is fully loaded, pointing to this 'download' icon. (But this doesn't happen all the time so do not wait still you see it. Move on to the next paragraph).
After clicking on this icon, a dialog box is soon displayed with more icons and a 'cancel' button.
Simply click on the 'Add' button and a PRAYHoUSe app icon will appear on your iPhone/iPad home screen.
Click on this icon to start the app and use it on your iPhone/iPad.
NOTE: All Apps require internet connection to use.