LESSON: What we are today, what we become tomorrow, and what we are able to accomplish in life all depend on God. We cannot receive what has not been given to us from heaven. We ought to lift our eyes to heaven for our help comes from our Maker. We cannot achieve anything without the help of God. In fact, without God, we can do nothing, and with Him we can do all things because He gives us strength.
We cannot secure our future without God. He has promised that if we seek His kingdom and His righteousness, He will add everything to us. He has made His plans made to us. He has declare His thoughts towards us, which are of good and not of evil; to bless us with a future and a hope. Everything in life depends on God, and often He wants us to find strength in doing nothing, but standing still, knowing that He is God, and He will fight for us, and hold our peace.
LET US PRAY: Lord God, it is in You I find salvation and honor. It is in You I find glory. Lord, You are my mighty rock and my refuge. You bless me with eternal life and dress me with blessings. Lord, my life is in Your hands. Without You, I can do nothing and I admit this today. Lord, bless me with strength in time of weakness, abundance in time of lack, grace in time of trouble, healing in times of affliction, and deliverance in time of need. In Jesus' Name. Amen.