LESSON: Jesus is the only acceptable Mediator between and us all. There is absolutely no need to have another mediator between God and us. No matter how righteous or mighty such person is, if he isn't Christ, he isn't qualified. As children of God, we can boldly and confidently come to the presence of God through prayers, asking for grace in time of need. Remember Jesus told us that if we ask anything in His Name, He will do it, that the Father may be glorified in Him (John 14:13-14). That is why we pray in the Name of Jesus Christ our Lord, that we may receive that which we ask for.
Let no man deceive You that there is another mediator between God and us. Remember Jesus said that He is the Way, the Truth, and the Life, and no man can come to God except through Him (John 14:6). It is the same Christ who gave Himself up as a ransom for us all. Such a wonderful display of selflessness, humility, and above all 'love'.
LET US PRAY: Lord Jesus, You are the only mediator between God and me, and I know this today. Lord, may I never be deceived to accept anyone to take Your place. Today, I create a very very special place for You in my heart and I invite You to take Your rightful place in my heart. I invite You to take part in all my activities. I invite You to guide me and I will follow. I invite You to teach me and I will learn. I invite You to counsel me and I will take correction. I want to thank You for such amazing love You showed to me and all the entire human race. Lord, may I show this same love to everyone, especially those who hate me. In Jesus' Name. Amen.