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PRAYING RIGHT: A Prayer of Thanks

Today, I want you to pray to God, and ask for nothing. Can you do that? I simply want you to give thanks to Him for everything that You are and You are not. I want you to acknowledge that He is God, and that His faithfulness endures forever. I want you to bless His Name, and sing songs of praise to Him. But before you can do this, you ought to be deeply thankful to God for something, right?

There is nobody alive that doesn't have something to be thankful for. If you're alive, healthy, and have the privilege to read this post, then you sure do have a lot to be thankful for. Many people died last
night and didn't make it through to today. Doesn't that give you something to be thankful about? Some people are laying down in the hospital for days, months, even years, but here you are healthy and strong. Doesn't that again give you something to open your mouth and sing to the glory of God?

Do you know that 2/3 of the world's population do not have access to the Internet? That means you're part of the 1/3 that have the luxury of Internet. Doesn't that give you something to give thanks to God
for? The list will go on and on, and we will not be able to get to an end. The easiest way to say a prayer of thanks to God is by forgetting about your worries, and problems, and focus on the good things that
are happening to you, for example, you are able to read this post without struggle. Many are dyslexic, while some never attended school to be able to read and write.
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Your prayers are just awesome. I appreciate PRAYHoUSe so much. I repeat them for myself. I am going to start sharing them with my friends.

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I am amazed by the number of different prayers for different situations PRAYHoUSe keep sharing. People like me who find it hard to pray, are reaping the harvest by reading your prayers.

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PRAYHoUSe serves as my virtual conscience; making me realize what is right and refrain from doing otherwise.

Vivian Samantha Navora, Kuwait

Oh yeah! there are still more!!