Grant thee according to thine own heart, and fulfil all thy counsel. (Psalm 20:4 KJV)
LET US PRAY: Lord, in time of distress I call on You because I know that You will be there to answer me. God of Jacob, I know that Your presence goes with me wherever I go, watching over me, and protecting me from harm, danger, and destruction. Lord, send me Your angel to help me and deliver me from evil. Send me Your angel to support me, and strengthen me. Lord, remember all the good deeds of my hands, and accept my thanksgiving. Father, give me the humble desires of my heart, and make all my plans succeed. Lord, may I shout for joy for You have given me victory over my worries and troubles. Lift me up because I have humbled myself before You and before man. May all my requests be granted because I keep Your commandments and I ask according to Your Will. In Jesus' Name. Amen.
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