Let us pray: God our Father, you are my most loving god and you make me feel your presence all the time. Truly you are the source of all the great things on this world. Your love is overflowing and I feel it every day. I just want to take this moment to thank you Lord. Thank you for keeping me and my family safe all the time. Thank you for the food that nourishes our body. Thank you for the company of amazing people. Thank you for the work opportunity. Thank you for all the source of my happiness. Thank you for giving Jesus Christ to us. Thank you for the gift of forgiveness. You’re abundant and unconditional love is astounding. Let me praise and worship you Father until my last breath. Amen.
"He that loves not knows not God; for God is love.” (1 John 4:8)
Let us pray: God our Father, you are my most loving god and you make me feel your presence all the time. Truly you are the source of all the great things on this world. Your love is overflowing and I feel it every day. I just want to take this moment to thank you Lord. Thank you for keeping me and my family safe all the time. Thank you for the food that nourishes our body. Thank you for the company of amazing people. Thank you for the work opportunity. Thank you for all the source of my happiness. Thank you for giving Jesus Christ to us. Thank you for the gift of forgiveness. You’re abundant and unconditional love is astounding. Let me praise and worship you Father until my last breath. Amen.
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