Let us pray: God our Savior, I will adore from day to night. You have filled my spirit with gladness and joy even in times of adversities. In my silent moments, you have blanketed me with calm and hope. Lord, I know that you have prepared the best blessings for me. I shall keep the same faith like that of Abraham and the obedience and patience of Noah. . I will wait for your answers Lord. Amen
But as for me, I will look to the Lord; I will wait for the God of my salvation; my God will hear me. (Micah 7:7)
Let us pray: God our Savior, I will adore from day to night. You have filled my spirit with gladness and joy even in times of adversities. In my silent moments, you have blanketed me with calm and hope. Lord, I know that you have prepared the best blessings for me. I shall keep the same faith like that of Abraham and the obedience and patience of Noah. . I will wait for your answers Lord. Amen
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