Let us pray: Gracious Father, your works are most wonderful. You have created a beautiful world and breathe me this life in order to appreciate each wonders. How can I not put my trust in you when you have blessed me with an amazing life? You are the source of my happiness and serenity. You have given me everything that I needed. Most importantly, you gave me Jesus Christ who renewed my hope. My heart and soul desires you and you alone. My prayer every day is that you walk with me until the end. Amen.
"But blessed are those who trust in the LORD, whose confidence is in him." (Jeremiah 17:7)
Let us pray: Gracious Father, your works are most wonderful. You have created a beautiful world and breathe me this life in order to appreciate each wonders. How can I not put my trust in you when you have blessed me with an amazing life? You are the source of my happiness and serenity. You have given me everything that I needed. Most importantly, you gave me Jesus Christ who renewed my hope. My heart and soul desires you and you alone. My prayer every day is that you walk with me until the end. Amen.
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