Let us pray: Jesus my Savior, how difficult it is to do good to those who misjudged me and treated me badly. But compared to your sufferings and your dying from the cross because of the betrayal of your own people, my burdens are just so small. If you were able to forgive our sins how can someone like me refuse forgiveness for others? I pray Jesus for your guidance to my actions. Bless my mouth that it may utter only the nicest things to others. Grant me peace and happiness Lord as I work my differences with my enemies. Amen.
"But to you who are listening I say: Love your enemies, do good to those who hate you.” (Luke 6:27)
Let us pray: Jesus my Savior, how difficult it is to do good to those who misjudged me and treated me badly. But compared to your sufferings and your dying from the cross because of the betrayal of your own people, my burdens are just so small. If you were able to forgive our sins how can someone like me refuse forgiveness for others? I pray Jesus for your guidance to my actions. Bless my mouth that it may utter only the nicest things to others. Grant me peace and happiness Lord as I work my differences with my enemies. Amen.
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