Let us pray: Almighty Father, I stand in awe for your greatness. It is you who will grant eternal life to all of us. I pray that in my life’s journey, I could stand all the endeavors that may come along the way. May I resist temptations and avoid the company of evil. May I openly declare my faith in spite of possible criticisms. May I live the teachings of the gospel of Jesus Christ every day. Help me Lord in fighting a good fight for your own glory. Amen.
Fight the good fight of the faith. Take hold of the eternal life to which you were called and about which you made the good confession in the presence of many witnesses. (1 Timothy 6:12)
Let us pray: Almighty Father, I stand in awe for your greatness. It is you who will grant eternal life to all of us. I pray that in my life’s journey, I could stand all the endeavors that may come along the way. May I resist temptations and avoid the company of evil. May I openly declare my faith in spite of possible criticisms. May I live the teachings of the gospel of Jesus Christ every day. Help me Lord in fighting a good fight for your own glory. Amen.
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