Let us pray: Lord Jesus, I exalt you. Your birth came with a very special purpose. It was an important mission that only you can ever realize. I am so glad you came to earth, touched our lives and saved us from eternal damnation. By your death, you fulfilled your purpose Lord. You have restored mankind and brought us back to the Holy Father. Thank you Jesus. I pray that you inflame us with the same commitment and passion in achieving what we are set to do in life. May your everlasting glory shine through us. Amen.
Go therefore and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit (Mathew 28:9)
Let us pray: Lord Jesus, I exalt you. Your birth came with a very special purpose. It was an important mission that only you can ever realize. I am so glad you came to earth, touched our lives and saved us from eternal damnation. By your death, you fulfilled your purpose Lord. You have restored mankind and brought us back to the Holy Father. Thank you Jesus. I pray that you inflame us with the same commitment and passion in achieving what we are set to do in life. May your everlasting glory shine through us. Amen.
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