Let us pray: God our Father, I want to grow in spirit. I want to breathe deeply in faith. Let my life be my offering in your altar. Fill me Lord God with your holiness. Make me as an instrument of peace and happiness to others. Take away all the negative things that may tarnish my relationship with you. Remind me always to become worthy in your eyes Lord. Amen.
I appeal to you therefore, brothers, by the mercies of God, to present your bodies as a living sacrifice, holy and acceptable to God, which is your spiritual worship. (Romans 12:1)
Let us pray: God our Father, I want to grow in spirit. I want to breathe deeply in faith. Let my life be my offering in your altar. Fill me Lord God with your holiness. Make me as an instrument of peace and happiness to others. Take away all the negative things that may tarnish my relationship with you. Remind me always to become worthy in your eyes Lord. Amen.
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