Let us pray: God our Father, I praise and thank you for each morning that you bring. Thank you for the gift of life and the beautiful chance that comes with it. Thank you for bringing people that make this life worthy and thank you for the opportunities to make a difference in this world. And when I lay down to sleep, I offer once again my thanksgiving and praise for a wonderful day that was well spent. And as I close my eyes, I pray for my safety and the safety of the rest of the world while I am sleeping. Amen.
I lie down and sleep; I wake again, because the LORD sustains me. (Psalms 3:5)
Let us pray: God our Father, I praise and thank you for each morning that you bring. Thank you for the gift of life and the beautiful chance that comes with it. Thank you for bringing people that make this life worthy and thank you for the opportunities to make a difference in this world. And when I lay down to sleep, I offer once again my thanksgiving and praise for a wonderful day that was well spent. And as I close my eyes, I pray for my safety and the safety of the rest of the world while I am sleeping. Amen.
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