Let us pray: God Almighty, too often I pray only in times of distress and needs but forget sometimes to pray when I am at my happiest. Today, I just want to offer my thanksgiving and praise for giving me such magnificent friends. I believe they are angels sent by you Lord. They have showed me great amount of acceptance, comfort, joy and support. They helped me achieve so much in life and molded me to become a better person. I became more understanding to others and more passionate with my talents and skills. I will thank you Lord forever. Amen.
Iron sharpens iron, and one man sharpens another. (Proverbs 27:17)
Let us pray: God Almighty, too often I pray only in times of distress and needs but forget sometimes to pray when I am at my happiest. Today, I just want to offer my thanksgiving and praise for giving me such magnificent friends. I believe they are angels sent by you Lord. They have showed me great amount of acceptance, comfort, joy and support. They helped me achieve so much in life and molded me to become a better person. I became more understanding to others and more passionate with my talents and skills. I will thank you Lord forever. Amen.
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