Let us pray: Most Loving Jesus, you have washed away my sins, purified my heart and gave me a brand new life. Thank you Lord for this kind of freedom. I promise you that I will work hard to keep the faith burning within me and to live a good life. I shall not ruin the second chance you gave me by doing immoral acts. I pray for the Holy Spirit to lead me to the right path always. Amen.
It is for freedom that Christ has set us free. Stand firm, then, and do not let yourselves be burdened again by a yoke of slavery. (Galatians 5:1)
Let us pray: Most Loving Jesus, you have washed away my sins, purified my heart and gave me a brand new life. Thank you Lord for this kind of freedom. I promise you that I will work hard to keep the faith burning within me and to live a good life. I shall not ruin the second chance you gave me by doing immoral acts. I pray for the Holy Spirit to lead me to the right path always. Amen.
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