Let us pray: Dear Jesus, words can never be enough to show my love and appreciation for your coming into my life. I will be forever thankful to the Father for He has sent not only a savior but also a good teacher and a good friend. You have restored faith in humanity and showed mercy to the whole world. You did not look upon our sins but saw only what is precious within us. You treated us with just and compassion and you have showed us the way to complete freedom. Thank you Lord for staying faithful and for keeping the promises of God. My life I trust in you until the end. Amen.
Jesus Christ is the same yesterday and today and forever. (Hebrews 13:8)
Let us pray: Dear Jesus, words can never be enough to show my love and appreciation for your coming into my life. I will be forever thankful to the Father for He has sent not only a savior but also a good teacher and a good friend. You have restored faith in humanity and showed mercy to the whole world. You did not look upon our sins but saw only what is precious within us. You treated us with just and compassion and you have showed us the way to complete freedom. Thank you Lord for staying faithful and for keeping the promises of God. My life I trust in you until the end. Amen.
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