Let us pray: God in the highest, your glory and wisdom is working all the time. I pray that you keep me under your watchful eyes every second and every minute. Do not let your mercy and truth forsake me. Direct my path and let me submit my life to you whole-heartedly. You are the only way to eternal happiness and peace. I want to experiences the greatness of your kingdom Lord that’s why I’ll give my best and commit to being faithful. I pray these in Jesus’ name. Amen
Let love and faithfulness never leave you; bind them around your neck, write them on the tablet of your heart. (Proverbs 3:3)
Let us pray: God in the highest, your glory and wisdom is working all the time. I pray that you keep me under your watchful eyes every second and every minute. Do not let your mercy and truth forsake me. Direct my path and let me submit my life to you whole-heartedly. You are the only way to eternal happiness and peace. I want to experiences the greatness of your kingdom Lord that’s why I’ll give my best and commit to being faithful. I pray these in Jesus’ name. Amen
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