Let us pray: God our Father, I praise and thank you for this wonderful life. And though my days may not be that long in this world, I shall spend my days under your command and guidance. I have my full confidence and trust in you Lord. Direct my steps and lead me to your path always. Never abandon nor forsake me and if ever I happen to walk towards a wrong direction, pick me up Father and show me the way. Amen.
LORD, I know that people's lives are not their own; it is not for them to direct their steps. (Jeremiah 10:23)
Let us pray: God our Father, I praise and thank you for this wonderful life. And though my days may not be that long in this world, I shall spend my days under your command and guidance. I have my full confidence and trust in you Lord. Direct my steps and lead me to your path always. Never abandon nor forsake me and if ever I happen to walk towards a wrong direction, pick me up Father and show me the way. Amen.
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