Let us pray: Heavenly Father, through your divine power and absolute knowledge you created man last but the most special. For we were made differently from your others creations in heaven and earth. You made us perfectly based on your own image blessed with a beautiful soul. What an amazing honor and favor to received your holiness in our bodies. Thank you beloved Father for our lives. I pray that may we use it well and never abuse it. May we perform our duties in accordance to your will. Amen.
So God created man in his own image, in the image of God he created him; male and female he created them. (Genesis 1:27)
Let us pray: Heavenly Father, through your divine power and absolute knowledge you created man last but the most special. For we were made differently from your others creations in heaven and earth. You made us perfectly based on your own image blessed with a beautiful soul. What an amazing honor and favor to received your holiness in our bodies. Thank you beloved Father for our lives. I pray that may we use it well and never abuse it. May we perform our duties in accordance to your will. Amen.
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