Let us pray: Praise to you Lord God, creator and source of everything in this universe. You, who sustain our lives, will always see to it that we are blessed. Thank you for your wonderful creation; the vast forest, rich waters, lavish live stocks and crops. May your people learn to take care of these gifts properly. Remind us Father that we are your stewards in keeping the balance in Mother Nature. Teach us to become more responsible and hardworking each day. Keep us away from any activities that may harm our environment. Amen.
The Lord God took the man and put him in the Garden of Eden to work it and keep it. (Genesis 2:15)
Let us pray: Praise to you Lord God, creator and source of everything in this universe. You, who sustain our lives, will always see to it that we are blessed. Thank you for your wonderful creation; the vast forest, rich waters, lavish live stocks and crops. May your people learn to take care of these gifts properly. Remind us Father that we are your stewards in keeping the balance in Mother Nature. Teach us to become more responsible and hardworking each day. Keep us away from any activities that may harm our environment. Amen.
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