Let us pray: Loving Father, truly your grace is beyond compare. For no one loves me like the way you do. Often times, families turn their backs to each other, friends even betray one another and lovers affection fades along the way but your love is forever Lord. It never gets tired nor gets old. I don’t think I am worthy of your love yet still you have blessed my life lavishly. Thank you so much Lord. I shall praise and glorify you each day. Amen.
The LORD is compassionate and gracious, slow to anger, abounding in love. (Psalms 103:8)
Let us pray: Loving Father, truly your grace is beyond compare. For no one loves me like the way you do. Often times, families turn their backs to each other, friends even betray one another and lovers affection fades along the way but your love is forever Lord. It never gets tired nor gets old. I don’t think I am worthy of your love yet still you have blessed my life lavishly. Thank you so much Lord. I shall praise and glorify you each day. Amen.
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