Let us pray: Lord, you have taught my heart to be confident and faithful. My trust is in you. You know the wishes I have been praying every night. Guide me Lord from day to day as I achieve my goals. Remind me every time my steps will have the tendency to walk the other way. I pray that in whatever I do, I have your approval and grace dear Father. Lastly, help me accept the things that are not meant to be. Amen.
The plans of the heart belong to man, but the answer of the tongue is from the Lord. (Proverbs 16:1)
Let us pray: Lord, you have taught my heart to be confident and faithful. My trust is in you. You know the wishes I have been praying every night. Guide me Lord from day to day as I achieve my goals. Remind me every time my steps will have the tendency to walk the other way. I pray that in whatever I do, I have your approval and grace dear Father. Lastly, help me accept the things that are not meant to be. Amen.
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