Let us pray: Beloved Christ, when death is about to come, let me seek you the full assurance of faith and hope. Make me calm in the midst of pain or the horror of the coffin. Shine from heaven Lord and meet my soul. Embrace me Lord for I have come to the Father home. I may be physically dead but my soul is in better place. A magical place where all the sting of death never hurts for your death has overpowered it. Amen.
Behold! I tell you a mystery. We shall not all sleep, but we shall all be changed (1 Corinthians 15:51)
Let us pray: Beloved Christ, when death is about to come, let me seek you the full assurance of faith and hope. Make me calm in the midst of pain or the horror of the coffin. Shine from heaven Lord and meet my soul. Embrace me Lord for I have come to the Father home. I may be physically dead but my soul is in better place. A magical place where all the sting of death never hurts for your death has overpowered it. Amen.
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