Let us pray: Lord Jesus, be the brightest star in heaven and guide me towards a smooth path. You are my loving and kind shepherd ready to pick me up when I stumble or fall. Let me use your love as my basis for caring for my fellow. May I also become a shoulder to cry on to my love ones. Teach me to listen and care to the plights of others even those who are strangers to me. Guide these small hands to do significant actions. May it somehow feed a hungry mouth. May it somehow brighten a miserable soul. Help me Lord to become like you. Amen.
Complete my joy by being of the same mind, having the same love, being in full accord and of one mind. (Philippians 2:2)
Let us pray: Lord Jesus, be the brightest star in heaven and guide me towards a smooth path. You are my loving and kind shepherd ready to pick me up when I stumble or fall. Let me use your love as my basis for caring for my fellow. May I also become a shoulder to cry on to my love ones. Teach me to listen and care to the plights of others even those who are strangers to me. Guide these small hands to do significant actions. May it somehow feed a hungry mouth. May it somehow brighten a miserable soul. Help me Lord to become like you. Amen.
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