Let us pray: Lord God, our nation, once called the land of the brave and the free, is in need of You. We pray for your glorious Holy Spirit to revive this land. We, your people are in need of you to stop the abuses and sufferings. May you free us from the financial, moral and political problems of this nation. Breathe a new life into every soul and help us unite and hope again for a better and brighter tomorrow. Amen.
Out of my distress I called on the Lord; the Lord answered me and set me free. (Psalm 118:5)
Let us pray: Lord God, our nation, once called the land of the brave and the free, is in need of You. We pray for your glorious Holy Spirit to revive this land. We, your people are in need of you to stop the abuses and sufferings. May you free us from the financial, moral and political problems of this nation. Breathe a new life into every soul and help us unite and hope again for a better and brighter tomorrow. Amen.
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