Let us pray: God our Father, we may be living in a new world where everything is accessible from the television and the internet but I pray that you guide us always most especially our children today. They are easily swayed by whatever they watch and see. May no one’s destructive and negative actions overpower the innocence of our youth. Young as they are, I pray that they remain strong in faith and in character and remember what their parents always taught them. And when we adults, can no longer teach our children, please intervene Lord and help us save the world’s future generation. Amen.
You shall not make any cuts on your body for the dead or tattoo yourselves: I am the Lord. (Leviticus 19:28 )
Let us pray: God our Father, we may be living in a new world where everything is accessible from the television and the internet but I pray that you guide us always most especially our children today. They are easily swayed by whatever they watch and see. May no one’s destructive and negative actions overpower the innocence of our youth. Young as they are, I pray that they remain strong in faith and in character and remember what their parents always taught them. And when we adults, can no longer teach our children, please intervene Lord and help us save the world’s future generation. Amen.
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