Let us pray: Dearest Jesus, I strive for excellence in everything that I do. I know how difficult it is to live a perfect life and I cannot promise perfection too. But I believe in your power Lord and nothing is impossible to you. Please grant me your grace and wisdom. Please help me achieve a morally-driven life. I wish to live by your examples. So please help me God. Amen.
And he said to him, "I will give you all their authority and splendor; it has been given to me, and I can give it to anyone I want to." (Luke 4:6)
Let us pray: Dearest Jesus, I strive for excellence in everything that I do. I know how difficult it is to live a perfect life and I cannot promise perfection too. But I believe in your power Lord and nothing is impossible to you. Please grant me your grace and wisdom. Please help me achieve a morally-driven life. I wish to live by your examples. So please help me God. Amen.
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