Let us pray: Jesus, guardian and protector of little ones, we seek for your divine grace and wisdom in raising our children. We believe that you have chosen us carefully to take this very important responsibility called parenthood. We pray that you bless our babies by keeping them safe always. Please bless us also Lord and put into our hearts all the love, care, affection, dedication, patience and understanding that we need. May we provide not only the basic needs of our kids but to commit ourselves in creating a happy and loving home and environment for them as they grow up. Amen.
And He took them in His arms and began blessing them, laying His hands on them. (Mark 10:16)
Let us pray: Jesus, guardian and protector of little ones, we seek for your divine grace and wisdom in raising our children. We believe that you have chosen us carefully to take this very important responsibility called parenthood. We pray that you bless our babies by keeping them safe always. Please bless us also Lord and put into our hearts all the love, care, affection, dedication, patience and understanding that we need. May we provide not only the basic needs of our kids but to commit ourselves in creating a happy and loving home and environment for them as they grow up. Amen.
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