Let us pray: Praise to you oh Lord! I am worthy of your love and faithfulness. How wonderful it is to know that I have a god so loving and forgiving. When things go wrong, you recue me. When I am surrounded by adversaries and temptations, you protect me. Just like a lost sheep, you looked for me, found me and brought me back to safety. Bless are you Lord for staying faithful to your promise. My life, my hope and my trust is in you until forever. Amen.
Blessed is the man who makes the Lord his trust, who does not turn to the proud, to those who go astray after a lie! (Psalm 40:4)
Let us pray: Praise to you oh Lord! I am worthy of your love and faithfulness. How wonderful it is to know that I have a god so loving and forgiving. When things go wrong, you recue me. When I am surrounded by adversaries and temptations, you protect me. Just like a lost sheep, you looked for me, found me and brought me back to safety. Bless are you Lord for staying faithful to your promise. My life, my hope and my trust is in you until forever. Amen.
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