Let us pray: God of all goodness and perfection, we celebrate and rejoice your name. We have all the reasons to exalt your name on high. Lord when we look for your goodness and mercy, you always give them to us. When we wander like a lost sheep in barren lands, you came looking and rescuing us. Your love and faithfulness have been absolute and firm from the beginning of time. We pray that you keep on loving us to the children of our children’s children. Amen.
For the LORD is good and his love endures forever; his faithfulness continues through all generations. (Psalms 100:5)
Let us pray: God of all goodness and perfection, we celebrate and rejoice your name. We have all the reasons to exalt your name on high. Lord when we look for your goodness and mercy, you always give them to us. When we wander like a lost sheep in barren lands, you came looking and rescuing us. Your love and faithfulness have been absolute and firm from the beginning of time. We pray that you keep on loving us to the children of our children’s children. Amen.
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