Let us pray: Our Father Almighty, all powerful and all knowing. No one knows us better than you do. You have seen our fate even before we are born. You know the deepest of our thoughts and emotions. Whenever we are in pain, even in silence, you hear us oh Lord and carry our burdens. Thank you Lord for the benefit of your comfort and grace. Knowing that you are always there no matter what happens give us peace and security. We pray that your love and faithfulness for mankind lasts forever and ever. Amen.
For our heart is glad in him, because we trust in his holy name. (Psalm 33:21)
Let us pray: Our Father Almighty, all powerful and all knowing. No one knows us better than you do. You have seen our fate even before we are born. You know the deepest of our thoughts and emotions. Whenever we are in pain, even in silence, you hear us oh Lord and carry our burdens. Thank you Lord for the benefit of your comfort and grace. Knowing that you are always there no matter what happens give us peace and security. We pray that your love and faithfulness for mankind lasts forever and ever. Amen.
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