Let us pray: Heavenly Father, almighty and all-knowing, my heart tells me that I shouldn’t be worried. For you hear every prayer I make and listen to my weeping in times of need. I am truly sorry Lord if most of the time I only come running to you if I am in trouble. Forgive me Lord for putting you on the side, when things were better. I realized that it’s you who I needed most. Heal me dear Father and save me from further disgrace. Let me go back to you and accept your blessings. I cannot go on without your guidance and love. Amen.
In all your ways submit to him, and he will make your paths straight. (Proverbs 3:6)
Let us pray: Heavenly Father, almighty and all-knowing, my heart tells me that I shouldn’t be worried. For you hear every prayer I make and listen to my weeping in times of need. I am truly sorry Lord if most of the time I only come running to you if I am in trouble. Forgive me Lord for putting you on the side, when things were better. I realized that it’s you who I needed most. Heal me dear Father and save me from further disgrace. Let me go back to you and accept your blessings. I cannot go on without your guidance and love. Amen.
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