Let us pray: Beloved Jesus, I live wholly from your mercy and forgiveness. I depend so much on your understanding and compassion whenever I get confused or commit something wrong. Forgive me Lord for in spite of your kindness and patience to me, I do the opposite to my fellow. I am quick to irritation and anger when things do not go my way. I find it hard to let go of other’s mistakes and wrong doings. That’s why I am praying Lord that you purify me from my wickedness. Fill me with your patience that I might be patient also with others. Grant me a forgiving heart just like how you easily look past of my mistakes. Make me a better person oh Jesus. I want to be worthy to you and the Father. Amen.
"So the slave fell to the ground and prostrated himself before him, saying, 'Have patience with me and I will repay you everything.' (Matthew 18:26)
Let us pray: Beloved Jesus, I live wholly from your mercy and forgiveness. I depend so much on your understanding and compassion whenever I get confused or commit something wrong. Forgive me Lord for in spite of your kindness and patience to me, I do the opposite to my fellow. I am quick to irritation and anger when things do not go my way. I find it hard to let go of other’s mistakes and wrong doings. That’s why I am praying Lord that you purify me from my wickedness. Fill me with your patience that I might be patient also with others. Grant me a forgiving heart just like how you easily look past of my mistakes. Make me a better person oh Jesus. I want to be worthy to you and the Father. Amen.
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