Let us pray: Father in heaven, source and provider of everything, I delight in your perfections, in your omnipotence, in your wisdom, in your eternal presence, in your holiness, in your justice, in your truth, and in your love. I rejoice with gladness in my heart for your mercy and forgiveness especially as displayed by Jesus Christ our Lord. No words can describe how I appreciate and love you Lord. I pray that your abundance shall live on forever. Amen.
Then you will find your joy in the LORD, and I will cause you to ride in triumph on the heights of the land and to feast on the inheritance of your father Jacob." The mouth of the LORD has spoken. (Isaiah 58:14)
Let us pray: Father in heaven, source and provider of everything, I delight in your perfections, in your omnipotence, in your wisdom, in your eternal presence, in your holiness, in your justice, in your truth, and in your love. I rejoice with gladness in my heart for your mercy and forgiveness especially as displayed by Jesus Christ our Lord. No words can describe how I appreciate and love you Lord. I pray that your abundance shall live on forever. Amen.
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