Let us pray: Father in Heaven, please bless me with the gift of wisdom. Let me inherit your kingdom by doing righteous things. Let me strive Lord in strengthening my spiritual life rather than working hard to have enormous amount of wealth. For wisdom brought by your grace is an inheritance that no one can destroy or steal. Wisdom that comes from you can solve problems that money can never do. Your wisdom Lord can end human suffering and bring a brighter tomorrow. So shelter me Lord with your wisdom and lead me to the path of your kingdom. Amen.
Wisdom is a shelter as money is a shelter, but the advantage of knowledge is this: that wisdom preserves the life of its possessor. (Ecclesiastes 7:12)
Let us pray: Father in Heaven, please bless me with the gift of wisdom. Let me inherit your kingdom by doing righteous things. Let me strive Lord in strengthening my spiritual life rather than working hard to have enormous amount of wealth. For wisdom brought by your grace is an inheritance that no one can destroy or steal. Wisdom that comes from you can solve problems that money can never do. Your wisdom Lord can end human suffering and bring a brighter tomorrow. So shelter me Lord with your wisdom and lead me to the path of your kingdom. Amen.
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