Let us pray: Almighty Father, please bless everyone in the office today. May we always seek you first in everything we do. Keep us focused on our individual tasks and refrain from being idle and unproductive. Fill our hearts Lord with a sense of commitment and genuine love for work. Do not allow jealousy, gossiping or any form of injustices happen in our work place. May we strive to be better each day without stepping on the dignity of others and disturbing other’s peace. Amen.
And to make it your ambition to lead a quiet life: You should mind your own business and work with your hands, just as we told you (1 Thessalonians 4:11)
Let us pray: Almighty Father, please bless everyone in the office today. May we always seek you first in everything we do. Keep us focused on our individual tasks and refrain from being idle and unproductive. Fill our hearts Lord with a sense of commitment and genuine love for work. Do not allow jealousy, gossiping or any form of injustices happen in our work place. May we strive to be better each day without stepping on the dignity of others and disturbing other’s peace. Amen.
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