Let us pray: Heavenly Father, today we pray for all unmarried women in the world. May you empower them and fill them with your holiness. We pray that they may live a virtuous life amidst the challenges of their environment. May they grow in faith each day and do things according to your will. We pray that may they never commit adulterous and immoral acts. May they find true love and happiness instead and become ideal keepers and protectors of every home. Let no evil take away their eyes from you oh Lord. Amen.
Daughters of Jerusalem, I charge you: Do not arouse or awaken love until it so desires. (Song of Solomon 8:4)
Let us pray: Heavenly Father, today we pray for all unmarried women in the world. May you empower them and fill them with your holiness. We pray that they may live a virtuous life amidst the challenges of their environment. May they grow in faith each day and do things according to your will. We pray that may they never commit adulterous and immoral acts. May they find true love and happiness instead and become ideal keepers and protectors of every home. Let no evil take away their eyes from you oh Lord. Amen.
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