Let us pray: Our Father in heave, as your children, we want to be pleasing in your eyes all the time. We can only achieve this if we live up a Christian life guided by your will and commandments. Please guide us in always upholding the truth. Refrain us from flattering or deceiving others. Take away all the envy and pride in us and teach us to always love and promote one another. Amen.
Therefore, having put away falsehood, let each one of you speak the truth with his neighbor, for we are members one of another. (Ephesians 4:25)
Let us pray: Our Father in heave, as your children, we want to be pleasing in your eyes all the time. We can only achieve this if we live up a Christian life guided by your will and commandments. Please guide us in always upholding the truth. Refrain us from flattering or deceiving others. Take away all the envy and pride in us and teach us to always love and promote one another. Amen.
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