“Your prayers are just awesome. I appreciate PRAYHoUSe so much. I repeat them for myself. I am going to start sharing them with my friends.”
—Diana Ceaser Barden, United States
“I am amazed by the number of different prayers for different situations PRAYHoUSe keep sharing. People like me who find it hard to pray, are reaping the harvest by reading your prayers.”
—Valentine Wilson, India
“PRAYHoUSe serves as my virtual conscience; making me realize what is right and refrain from doing otherwise.”
—Vivian Samantha Navora, Kuwait
At the moment, we have 10,000+ prayers from the Scriptures, and we're daily updating our prayer directory with even more awesome prayers from the Scriptures. The good news is that you don't only have to read through our prayers; you can also add to our daily growing number of prayers. It's simple, easy, fast, and convenient just as sending an email to a loved one, but this time your email gets posted as a prayer here and reaches thousands of Christians around the world who depend on our prayers to get going.