And one of you say unto them, Depart in peace, be ye warmed and filled; notwithstanding ye give them not those things which are needful to the body; what doth it profit? (James 2:16 KJV)
really try, Lord. I am the first to tell someone in need that I will pray for
her. If a natural disaster devastates my community, or one across our vast
oceans, I will turn to you with a word of hope. And when someone describes a
painful diagnosis from the doctor, he can count on me to lift him up in my
prayers as I drift asleep at night. Yes Lord, I try. But am I doing all I can
to further your gospel message? Not really. If someone asks me for a meal, a
smile doesn’t fill a stomach. When a home in Ethiopia is flooded by seasonal
rains, a quick Bible read will not bring shelter. And when a friend loses hair
during chemotherapy, a warm wish is only part of the answer. Though we come to
you by faith alone, may we go out into your world acting on that faith. We need
you through prayer, but sometimes we need to pray for the determination to
serve others as we serve you. Amen.
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