Let us pray: Lord Jesus, you are the bridge that connected us to the Father. Through your teachings we were able to fully understand God’s will and perfect plan for all of us. How foolish of us to think that God abandons his people. Forgive us for thinking of that. Through your teachings and examples we learned about the goodness of his kingdom. Thank you Lord Jesus for showing us that God is a loving and forgiving Father. Thank you for teaching us how to pray to him and seek for his holy presence. Our Father is a constant provider. We shall worship him forever. Amen.
Jesus replied, "What is impossible with human beings is possible with God." (Luke 18:27)
Let us pray: Lord Jesus, you are the bridge that connected us to the Father. Through your teachings we were able to fully understand God’s will and perfect plan for all of us. How foolish of us to think that God abandons his people. Forgive us for thinking of that. Through your teachings and examples we learned about the goodness of his kingdom. Thank you Lord Jesus for showing us that God is a loving and forgiving Father. Thank you for teaching us how to pray to him and seek for his holy presence. Our Father is a constant provider. We shall worship him forever. Amen.
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