Let us pray: God Almighty, you are holy and righteous. You goodness reigns supreme. Your ways are perfect and I just want to follow you forever. My family may not accept my decisions but I want to devote myself worshipping you and working for your glory. Lord, I have felt it long time ago that my calling is to serve under your name. I have remained faithful to my vows and kept myself from all kinds of temptations. I offer you my life Lord and I pray that you gladly accept it. Amen.
These are those who did not defile themselves with women, for they remained virgins. They follow the Lamb wherever he goes. They were purchased from among mankind and offered as first fruits to God and the Lamb. (Revelations 14:4)
Let us pray: God Almighty, you are holy and righteous. You goodness reigns supreme. Your ways are perfect and I just want to follow you forever. My family may not accept my decisions but I want to devote myself worshipping you and working for your glory. Lord, I have felt it long time ago that my calling is to serve under your name. I have remained faithful to my vows and kept myself from all kinds of temptations. I offer you my life Lord and I pray that you gladly accept it. Amen.
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