Let us pray: Lord God, I come to you as a damaged soul but with the purest and genuine intentions. I seek for your holy presence. Let your grace shine upon me Lord for I am nothing without you. I need you Lord. Through your son Jesus, my personal savior, bless my life as I start a new beginning. Let me experience a life of peace and joy- where wickedness and sorrows are unwelcomed. Amen.
You will seek me and find me when you seek me with all your heart. (Jeremiah 29:13)
Let us pray: Lord God, I come to you as a damaged soul but with the purest and genuine intentions. I seek for your holy presence. Let your grace shine upon me Lord for I am nothing without you. I need you Lord. Through your son Jesus, my personal savior, bless my life as I start a new beginning. Let me experience a life of peace and joy- where wickedness and sorrows are unwelcomed. Amen.
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