Let us pray: Lord Jesus, I am a teacher and I humble myself in this chosen career. I can never compare to the greatness you have done in this world but I want to be inspired Lord. Teach me and show me the way on how to maximize my talents and skills. Help me Lord to care more and inspire others more. Motivate me and other teachers to keep on learning for the benefit of the children and this country. Amen.
A disciple is not above his teacher, but everyone when he is fully trained will be like his teacher. (Luke 6:40)
Let us pray: Lord Jesus, I am a teacher and I humble myself in this chosen career. I can never compare to the greatness you have done in this world but I want to be inspired Lord. Teach me and show me the way on how to maximize my talents and skills. Help me Lord to care more and inspire others more. Motivate me and other teachers to keep on learning for the benefit of the children and this country. Amen.
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