Let us pray: Most Holy One, we trust in your divine will. We know that there is a perfect reason behind everything that happens in this world. We may never understand your whole plan but we know that altogether it is good, just and wise. Grant us the courage, patience and strength Lord to endure the challenges and trials that come in our lives. Fill us with your peace. Help us learn valuable lessons from our current conditions and teach us to never repeat the same mistakes again. Let your peace reign in the end. Amen.
A time to love, and a time to hate; a time for war, and a time for peace. (Ecclesiastes 3:8)
Let us pray: Most Holy One, we trust in your divine will. We know that there is a perfect reason behind everything that happens in this world. We may never understand your whole plan but we know that altogether it is good, just and wise. Grant us the courage, patience and strength Lord to endure the challenges and trials that come in our lives. Fill us with your peace. Help us learn valuable lessons from our current conditions and teach us to never repeat the same mistakes again. Let your peace reign in the end. Amen.
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