Let us pray: Our Father of infinite mercy, we trust in your promise of happiness and peace to those who follow your commandments. We have seen so much terror and experienced so much misery because of the never-ending conflicts in our nation. Hear our prayers Lord and wipe away our tears and sadness. You are the only one who can end these fighting Lord. We surrender our fate to you. Please watch over those innocent people in peril. Please strengthen the faith of those who are caught in the middle of war. Please enlighten the minds of the groups responsible for these unrest. Remove the anguish and hatred in their hearts. Let your love gather us all and bind us in unity. Please restore the peace and harmony in this land. Amen.
He will swallow up death forever; and the Lord God will wipe away tears from all faces, and the reproach of his people he will take away from all the earth, for the Lord has spoken. (Isaiah 25:8)
Let us pray: Our Father of infinite mercy, we trust in your promise of happiness and peace to those who follow your commandments. We have seen so much terror and experienced so much misery because of the never-ending conflicts in our nation. Hear our prayers Lord and wipe away our tears and sadness. You are the only one who can end these fighting Lord. We surrender our fate to you. Please watch over those innocent people in peril. Please strengthen the faith of those who are caught in the middle of war. Please enlighten the minds of the groups responsible for these unrest. Remove the anguish and hatred in their hearts. Let your love gather us all and bind us in unity. Please restore the peace and harmony in this land. Amen.
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