Let us pray: Lord Jesus, I belong to you and the Holy Father. I wake up each day praying and worshiping your name. Bless me Lord with your abundant grace. Fill me with your Spirit. May each day that you bring into my life be properly spent. With gladness, I shall follow your commandments. Inspire me Lord with the lessons in your parables. May they help me become more closer to you and the Father. Amen.
Grace and peace be yours in abundance through the knowledge of God and of Jesus our Lord. (2 Peter 1:2)
Let us pray: Lord Jesus, I belong to you and the Holy Father. I wake up each day praying and worshiping your name. Bless me Lord with your abundant grace. Fill me with your Spirit. May each day that you bring into my life be properly spent. With gladness, I shall follow your commandments. Inspire me Lord with the lessons in your parables. May they help me become more closer to you and the Father. Amen.
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