Let us pray: God our Father, you are great and amazing! Thank you for giving us Jesus Christ. Through him, we received your abundant grace, a gift so great and rich that no one can ever take away. Without him, how can we ever know and realize that beauty and wonders of your kingdom. Your law is holy and perfect. We long to be your children. Let Jesus’ examples encourage us to be worthy in your eyes. May we repay your graciousness by being faithful and obedient. Help us Lord. Amen.
Out of his fullness we have all received grace in place of grace already given. (John 1:16)
Let us pray: God our Father, you are great and amazing! Thank you for giving us Jesus Christ. Through him, we received your abundant grace, a gift so great and rich that no one can ever take away. Without him, how can we ever know and realize that beauty and wonders of your kingdom. Your law is holy and perfect. We long to be your children. Let Jesus’ examples encourage us to be worthy in your eyes. May we repay your graciousness by being faithful and obedient. Help us Lord. Amen.
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