Let us pray: Father in Heaven, let your love and kindness be the guiding light in my own home. Help me lord to promote kindness for one another in my family. Starting from me, may kind and gentle words come out from my mouth. May I learn to encourage more my children rather than strictly set rules without explaining them properly. May I be the one to model courtesy, humility, forgiveness, fairness and understanding to them. Grant me the grace Lord as I build a better home. Amen.
Let no corrupting talk come out of your mouths, but only such as is good for building up, as fits the occasion, that it may give grace to those who hear. (Ephesians 4:29)
Let us pray: Father in Heaven, let your love and kindness be the guiding light in my own home. Help me lord to promote kindness for one another in my family. Starting from me, may kind and gentle words come out from my mouth. May I learn to encourage more my children rather than strictly set rules without explaining them properly. May I be the one to model courtesy, humility, forgiveness, fairness and understanding to them. Grant me the grace Lord as I build a better home. Amen.
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